Friday, December 7, 2012

Voice's cancer fight -NEVER GIVE UP

I’d like thank all of you that have inquired the past few days on my progress in my battle with cancer. I’m still six weeks away from getting my next C-Scan which will reveal how much my tumor has been affected by my current round of chemotherapy. I won’t know the answer for another six weeks.

This is Jimmy V week on ESPN and as a cancer patient, watching video of Jimmy V saying “don’t ever give up” has hit me deeply in my effort to keep a positive attitude while fighting this terrible disease.

I want to thank to UW-Whitewater men’s and women’s basketball programs for allowing me to blog about their teams this season.

Blogging is some of the best therapy I can have in keeping my thoughts positive while battling cancer. 

To be able to write about the teams and players and interview the players allow me to put “a face” for the public about these guys and gals.  They are very talented and deserve the social media exposure.

Its on the days during my chemo treatments that I am able to spend my day writing – it is a major reason why I can stay positive.

To the many of you, including the many Warhawk football and basketball players that I write about, come up to me to ask “how are you doing in your fight.”  I can’t tell you how much that means to me. Thank you!

To all that are reading this column – thank you for taking the time to read about Warhawk basketball. As in the game of basketball, the goal is to win the game. It is the same goal that I have in my game right now – the game of fighting cancer.

The above photo taken at last spring's NCAA Division III Men's Basketball Final Four remind me everyday to never, ever give up!


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